Spine Archives
Spine symptoms
Spine Problem- Symptoms, Types, Purpose, Diagnostic Procedures, and Treatment Spine Problems: What is the Spine? In order to properly delve into the various spine problems, it's important to know more about the spine. The spine, or otherwise known as the backbone, and vertebral column, is a network of bones, tissues, and nerves in your body ...
Lumbar Spine What is the lumbar spine? The lower part of the back, also called the lumbar spine, is made up of five bones called vertebrae which are given the labels L1 through L5. The lumbar spine is located between the chest, or thoracic area, and the lowest portion of the spinal column, known as ...
Sacrococcygeal: Definition What are the sacral vertebrae? The sacral vertebrae are located near the very bottom of the spinal column. They are located between the lumbar spine and the tailbone, which is also called the coccyx. The sacrum is shaped like a triangle. Its sacral vertebrae are fused together into one solid bone. The first ...
Discography is a procedure which helps determine if the discs in your spine are responsible for your back pain. The discs lie in between each pair of vertebrae and provide cushioning for your spine. Sometimes discography is ordered before surgery to identify which particular discs are painful. Prior to the procedure, an IV will be ...
Sciatica FAQ
Sciatica FAQs 1. Sciatica FAQ: What is Sciatica? Sciatica is the pain felt in the low back area because of irritation of the sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve starts from the nerve roots, then goes to the lumbar spinal cord, and extends to the buttocks, mostly affecting the lower ...
Scoliosis FAQ
Scoliosis FAQ Common general questions about Scoliosis 1. What are different types of scoliosis? Idiopathic scoliosis: The word "idiopathic" means the cause is unknown. Even though in most cases (80%-85%), we don't know for sure what causes scoliosis, studies have shown it tends to run in families. Scoliosis is not contagious, so it cannot be spread from person to ...
Spinal Stenosis Tips
Spinal Stenosis Tips Spinal Stenosis is a condition in which your spinal canal starts to narrow which can cause pain and other problems. For most people, the Stenosis results from changes because of arthritis. The spinal canal may narrow. The open spaces between the vertebrae may start to get smaller. The tightness can pinch the ...
Spondylolisthesis Tips
Spondylolisthesis Tips: Things You Should Know What is spondylolisthesis? Spondylolisthesis is defined as the displacement or slippage of one of your vertebra compared to another or all others. It is a condition that occurs when your vertebra (the bone in your back) slides forward and over the bone below it. Spondylolisthesis is derived from two ...
10 Practical Tips to Deal with Osteoporosis
10 Practical Tips to Deal with Osteoporosis Here are 10 tips to decrease osteoporosis risk and to help you take care of your precious bones: Know your risk: Osteoporosis is characterized by weakened bones. Certain factors increase your risk of developing the disease. They include family history, gender, age, body type, race, menstrual history, personal history, and ...
Spine Advices
Spine Advices A lot of people experience back pain every day. Living with the pain can make life harder than necessary, back pain can cause you to miss out on things and activities that you may enjoy and prevent you from accomplishing simple day to day tasks. Quick fact: According to the National Institute of ...